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A Generous Kingdom V, First look

I could not wait another moment to reveal this collection to you!

A most treasured fan said it best this morning...

"The collection is outstanding. It's the escapism and dreams that everyone needs right now..."

Jennifer Paige, Photostylist

The exhibition is live on the website. It is the first 100% virtual Verum show. There will be link updates that include artists websites and links to the Verum marketplace too. There will be artist interviews and more.

I urge you to drop whatever you are doing to take a moment to journey through these 80 works of art that redefine this yearly exhibition into a dream like realm. I will be posting many blogs and updates about this "A Generous Kingdom: Art that explores story, symbolism, and beyond.."

Click the image below to be transported to a realm where 80 Artists light the way


In the meantime, if you have any questions or just wish to send some love, please feel free to contact Verum Ultimum at or 347-752-8915


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