"I always try to find the moment where the painting says all that it needs to say." Geralyn Inokuchi

What attracted you to the 7th Annual Abstract call?
I always think of abstraction as the only place I can be comfortable with my art so applying to Abstract Sanctuary was natural choice.

Does the idea of transformation influence your work and process? I think it does. As I work I am always thinking about what the painting wants to become and try to listen to what it is telling me. I see many different phases and consequently many possible paintings as the work progresses. I always try to find the moment where the painting says all that it needs to say. I feel it’s almost akin to watching a child grow into an adult. There is always a process of “becoming” except with my art I get to choose when I can freeze the transformation. And then too, I feel I am also transformed as I work on a painting. The possibilities that arise help to inspire me to try new approaches for new paintings.

Do you work in other modes of expression? I used to play the violin. I had to give it up because a few years ago, when I got my dog Willow, she decided the violin was not for her! I couldn’t bare her complaining when I played! I miss it though!
Who inspires you? Krista Harris, Hyunmee Lee, Joseph Maruska, Joan Mitchell.
What do you hope your work achieves?
A sense of life on the Oregon coast and how it reflects my inner joys and struggles. There is such a range of experiences here. A peaceful calmness exists on one level but also there is a constant sense of action and turmoil. For example there is a sense of peace listening to the constant motion of the oceans waves, but on the other hand those of us who live here really understand the power of the ocean. I think my work explores that peacefulness and powerful motion.
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