Verum Ultimum Gallery is thrilled to invite artists to explore the theme, Chasing Ghosts for its' fifth year (and the gallery will celebrate its 8 years anniversary soon too)! "Chasing Ghosts V: Art that Pierces the Veil through remembrance, legacy, and beyond" This call emphasizes the idea of revealing the unseen or the soul in a work of art. The term ghost may be interpreted in many ways, not necessarily meant to be a literal elucidation. This year's interpretation might be loaded with the added turmoil of current social, health, environmental, and political climate. Does your process manifest an identity within your work that somehow speaks to the past? Do you express your deepest fears or concerns through your work? Do current political. health, and environmental concerns follow you into the studio and shadow or define your work? What ghosts or parts of the past leave their mark on your work? Is a legacy revealed through your work or your process? Is memory a vital vehicle of expression for you? Do you inadvertently honor something from your past or concern for the future through your work? Artists are encouraged to enter work that is any interpretation of the call. Verum Ultimum never seeks to drive the work, the only hope to unveil unique visions. All mediums and modes of expression are welcome. Verum Ultimum Gallery invites artists to divulge their talent within this expressive, symbolic theme.
The exhibition will open during the last week of October and run for a month.
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